Hi, I'm Mark.

Independent Full-stack software & web developer specializing in .Net Framework.

Mark Anthony Maat Laredo

Software Engineer

About Me

Hi there, my name is Mark Anthony Laredo. I'm a Software Engineer based in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines specializing in building and designing exceptional, high-quality websites and applications. I’ve been a professional Software Engineer with a Bachelors Degree for more than 10 years.

I've worked with a wide variety of programming languages and frameworks such as C#, .Net Core, VB.Net. I believe that computing is affecting the lives of everyone on the planet and I think it is important to provide better tools/software program for people to access the potential offered by computer.

I am a goal-oriented web developer with a strong commitment in collaboration and solutions-oriented problem solving. I like building new stuff and work with other people – nothing really interesting is ever built alone! For me it is great to keep working on different skills, to meet new people and to contribute to make them happy.

I know that finding technical help is not the easiest thing, especially regarding something as specialized as language engineering. Hopefully I can be the right person to design and implement your projects. If not I will try my best to give you the right directions and help you find who can help you.

Technical Skills

Programming and Frameworks

Program & frameworks I frequently use.

Vue JS
Nuxt JS
C Sharp
.Net Core
Identity Framework
Visual Basic .NET
Java Script

Tools and Libraries

Tools and libraries I frequently use.

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 - Developer
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio Code

Other Stuff

I do extra things like:

Laptop/Computer Re-program
Computer Networking
Laptop/Computer Hardware troubleshoot
Piso WiFi Builder

My Works